WA talks: Productivity, sustainability and rising input costs

Milk production volumes, climate and the environment, and input costs were key topics of conversation when our CEO Janine Waller visited our WA members.

During a visit to Browne’s Dairy and Lactalis factories, and to several WA farms, the genuine concern about the dairy industry was clear and the want for a sustainable, vibrant industry.

Brownes Dairy is Western Australia’s oldest dairy company, established in 1886. It collects about 120 million litres of milk each year from 45 dairy farms.

Lactalis employs about 2600 people across the country and works with about 430 Australian farmers.

So, how do we ensure this essential industry continues to thrive?:

  • We need collaboration between government, industry and consumers to reclaim Australia’s position in the global dairy market.
  • We must recognise the interdependence of dairy farming and processing, which is key to ensuring national food security and regional prosperity.
  • We need policy reforms that mutually benefit dairy processors and farmers.
  • We need an urgent review of the Dairy Code of Conduct to deliver a fairer and more commercially workable document.
  • Importantly, we need the ongoing support of consumers to buy Australian made and branded dairy products.