Q4 Dairy Market Insights Report

The fourth quarter 2024 Dairy Market Insights Report has found global dairy markets are becoming more uncertain due to a complex geopolitical environment and the protectionist policies of the new US president, which could disrupt market stability.

The report (to December 2024) is now available on our Milk Value Portal (MVP), providing a summary of the national and global factors shaping the state of the industry. Key factors identified include:

  • the spot commodity milk value increased sharply during the December quarter, with the strengthening of the US currency and improved cheese value
  • however, the ability of Australian processors to realise these benefits is limited by availability of product for spot trade. Most cheese is contracted in advance, and milk growth has been limited in 2024/25
  • hedging strategies in place will likely limit the impact of currency movements
  • the incoming Trump Administration is adding complexity and uncertainty to global dairy markets, and
  • in the US the roll-out of increased cheese production capacity, combined with sluggish domestic demand is likely to increase export availability and competition in contestable markets, including Australia.

Read the latest Dairy Market Insights Report on our Milk Value Portal.