Dairy is more than just food – it’s a powerhouse for your health!

Did you know that dairy foods provide a unique package of 10 essential nutrients, including calcium, protein, and vitamins vital for your blood, nervous system, muscle function, and overall wellbeing?

Research shows that regularly consuming milk, yoghurt, and cheese supports heart health, helps manage blood pressure, and can even contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines highlight that including dairy in your diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and more.

Yet, 90% of Australians aren’t meeting their recommended daily intake of dairy.

Even though increasing dairy consumption isn’t just good for our health, it could save our healthcare system about $2 billion!

To ensure we can all benefit from nutritious dairy foods, ADPF advocates for policies that promote Aussie dairy as a product of choice, supported by research and development, and policy decisions that recognise the health benefits of dairy products. This includes:

Research & Development: Increased government investment in dairy R&D to explore health benefits and product innovations.

Dairy in Dietary Guidelines: Continued recognition of dairy as a core food group in the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Fair Labelling: Accurate labelling for plant-based alternatives to distinguish them from dairy products.

Aged Care: Inclusion of dairy in mandatory dietary standards for aged care facilities.

Let’s make dairy part of our healthy, sustainable future! 🥛🧀

Discover more on Dairy Australia.


Dairy foods provide a powerful combination of more than 10 essential nutrients critical to maintaining overall health. These nutrients include:

Calcium: Vital for strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin A: Supports healthy vision and growth.

Vitamin B12: Keeps blood healthy and aids nerve function.

Riboflavin: Helps convert food into energy.

Potassium: Assists in controlling blood pressure.

Magnesium: Essential for energy transfer.

Zinc: Promotes wound healing and development.

Phosphorus: Strengthens bones and releases energy from food.

Carbohydrate: Provides energy for the body

Protein: Necessary for growth, repair, and muscle maintenance.