ADPF’s Australian Government Policy Priorities

Australian Dairy Products Federation (ADPF) has released its latest policy priorities document, which outlines the pressing challenges and critical opportunities facing the Australian dairy industry.

By addressing the priorities outlined in this document, the Australian Government can support a strong, competitive, sustainable Australian dairy industry – one that keeps manufacturing local, continues to deliver world-class products and supports regional communities and consumers alike.

Our policy priorities are:


  1. Develop and fund a Dairy Industry Success Strategy: Commit to develop and fund a Dairy Industry Success Strategy, guided by a Minister-Led Dairy Industry Taskforce.
  2. Invest in workforce development for dairy processors: Provide $200,000 in funding to ADPF for scholarships to train the next generation of dairy processors, include key qualifications (Certificate II/III in Food Processing, Certificate IV and Diploma in Food Science and Technology) in the Fee-Free TAFE eligibility list, and $2.5 million over four years to establish the Dairy Career Pathways Program and Dairy Centre of Excellence.
  3. Support initiatives across sustainability and circularity, including renewable energy investment and packaging: Commit financial support to Australian dairy processors to ensure they meet government and industry sustainability targets in the Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework, and progress actions in the Whole-of-Industry Emissions Reduction Roadmap, Dairy Packaging Roadmap, and Dairy Sector Food Waste Action Plan. This includes preparedness for climate reporting and securing the right regulatory reforms for packaging.
  4. Action recommendations from Dairy Productivity, Competitiveness and Value-Creation Project: Provide funding to implement the recommendations from the Dairy Productivity, Competitiveness and Value-Creation Project.
  5. Promote dairy as a product and protein of choice: Strengthen the recommendations for dairy in the Australian Dietary Guidelines and improve the Health Star Rating front of pack labelling system, based on dairy’s strong nutrition and health credentials.
  6. Advance market access: Collaborate with the Dairy Industry Taskforce to identify and prioritise strategic trade partnerships that advance market access, reduce barriers for Australian dairy products and protect against imports.

Read our Policy Priority document for more information.