ADPF submission: Inquiry into Food and Beverage Manufacturing in Australia

ADPF welcomed the opportunity to provide a submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry Science and Resources Inquiry into Food and Beverage Manufacturing in Australia.

We believe there are strong opportunities for profitable growth in the Australian dairy processing sector, with a stable domestic market and growing global demand for high quality, nutritious dairy products – particularly South-east Asia.

This is aligned with the government’s ambition of food security, local manufacturing, and economic growth.

However, for Australian dairy processors to realise the productivity benefits offered through improving and investing in technologies and innovation, they must have confidence in the future viability of the industry.

Today, processors confidence is at an all-time low of 17 per cent, versus 90 per cent in 2020 –and in turn has consequences downstream.

Our submission provides the committee with an overview of the dairy processing industry’s current challenges, followed by responses to key Terms of Reference where we provide a comprehensive overview of the dairy processing sector.

Our submission urges the committee to take action on these five key recommendations:

  1. Commitment from government to work with industry on developing a workplan with tangible initiatives towards securing a viable and growing dairy industry, that attracts people and investment – actioning recommendations 4- 3.134 from the Inquiry into food security and 2 –3.66 from the Developing Advanced Manufacturing in Australia.
  2. Establishing a Minister-led, representative dairy industry advisory group to genuinely guide the development of that workplan and all relevant policies and strategies.
  3. Government to work with industry on access to productivity driving technologies, workforce shortages, attracting investment, and access to priority markets.
  4. Government to support industry to best deliver against the Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework and government targets, such as ongoing investment in renewable energy.
  5. Collaborate with industry on promoting Australian dairy as a product of choice, supported by policy decisions that recognise the health benefits of dairy productssuch as the Australian Dietary Guidelines, and labelling reforms.

By working together, we can ensure a prosperous future for Australian dairy manufacturing, that Australian dairy products continue to be recognised as world’s best, and we can contribute to our shared goals of value creation and economic growth, and environmental stewardship.

Read our submission here.